I think Andy Williams had it right, it IS the most wonderful time of the year, yet the holiday season can offer us such a duality of being.
On one hand, we can be full of ✨ joy, magic and wonder ✨ and at the same time, completely overwhelmed 😮💨 by the increase in activities, gatherings and gifting.
Indeed, the holidays hold so much for each of us, many of us entering a time where we are grieving a loss, longing for something else and feeling lonely.
My family just watched That Christmas based on Richard Curtis' That Christmas and Other Stories (it gets a ferrone five stars, btw). The narrator refers to Christmas as an "emotional magnifying glass". Oof, ain't that the truth.
"I always think that Christmas is a bit like an emotional magnifying glass. If you feel loved and happy, Christmas will make you feel even happier and more loved. But if you feel alone and unloved, the magnifier gets to work and makes all those bad things bigger and worse."
For all these reasons, it's so important that we prioritize slowing down, acting with intention and nurturing ourselves and others with love and tenderness.
Just consider it; a season that slowly savors the simple moments, full of tender presence and meaningful connection, wouldn't that feel like the most wonderful gift?

Well, here is a fun way you can practice slowing down and sparking some mindful holiday presence:
Pick a symbol, anything that you will see throughout your day. If you work in an office or a school, perhaps choose a stop sign, red light or an EXIT sign. To make if festive, you could pick a holiday symbol like a candy cane, angel, or a gnome! Whenever you see your symbol, that's you cue to SLOW down:
S (Stop and take a deep breath)
L (Listen, focus on listening to all the sounds around you)
O (Observe your surroundings, zoom out to see the big picture of this moment)
W (Wonder! What are you thinking right now? What emotions are present? Where do I feel sensations in my body? What do I need most right now?
The more we routinely practice slowing down and connecting to the present moment experience, the more accessible it can feel to take a mindful moment when we are "in the heat of the moment" of a challenging situation or circumstance.
Remember, this is a practice, and the holidays are a wonderful time to invite this loving remembering to return to the unique gift of each moment.
May this holiday bring you peace, joy and love in your heart and in your home.
xo, Leah
ps: I had a wonderful conversation with Megan and Allie of Empowerhood! If you'd like, have a listen to gain some tips for staying mindful during this very special and busy time of year.